Australia Shrimp Sector Hit by WSSV

Australia Shrimp Sector Hit by WSSV

White spot disease (WSD) is a highly contagious viral disease of decapod crustaceans including prawns, crabs, yabbies and lobsters. White spot disease is caused by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV).

As of January 2021, the Australian government is in discussion of regulating import of shrimps on a stricter basis of requirement including compulsory cooking of imported shrimp. This regulation is due to reports of shrimps in local habitat being infected with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV).

On 22nd November 2016, a shrimp farmer found dead shrimps and crabs in waterways surround the Logan river, Queensland and the specimens showed white spot virus present in these crustaceans. However, this is not the first time Queensland has been infected with the same virus. In April 2020, two shrimp farms in Queensland were affected by this virus, which caused their shrimp harvest to suffer due to a percentage of their shrimps died from the virus.

Early detection provides a better chance of being able to contain and eradicate this serious disease. Therefore, The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment of Australia government continues to monitor and ensure the prawn consignments must adhere to the enhanced import conditions to manage the biosecurity risk associated. All imports of raw prawns must be verified that they have tested free from white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) both offshore and again on arrival in Australia.

Speedy Assay specializes in manufacturing and distribution of ShrimpCheck WSSV Rapid Test Kits, PCR Kits, and Real-time PCR Kits for the detection of WSD. Our kits are ISO9001:2015 certified and this ensures that each kit is produced with consistent high quality standards.

Should you require inquiries relating to ShrimpCheck’s products, please feel free to contact our sales team by emailing to or call +603-3359 1166.


  1. Undercurrent News. Calls for all Aussie shrimp imports to be cooked after white spot disease found in local habitat. Accessed on 20th January 2021.
  2. The Fish Site. Queensland shrimp sector hit by whitespot virus. Accessed on 20th January 2021.
  3. FRDC Issues, White Spot Disease. Accessed on 9th July 2021.
  4. Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Uncooked prawn consignment. Accessed on 9th July 2021.