IHHNV Outbreaks at Shrimp Farms in USA

IHHNV Outbreaks at Shrimp Farms in USA

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) reported in June 2019 that there have been two outbreaks of Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) in the United States. One of the outbreaks occurred in a recirculating shrimp farm in Aransas County, Texas, and the other outbreak occurred in Indian River County on the East Coast of Florida.

It was found at the Florida shrimp farm that the disease affected all post-larval shrimp. Routine testing in the lab revealed that IHNNV was present in these shrimp but the affected shrimp did not show any clinical signs or symptoms of the disease.

Once the disease was detected in the shrimps, all affected shrimps were depopulated and their tanks were cleaned and disinfected. Any newly identified tanks with affected shrimps will also undergo the same process.

HHN may be suspected based on clinical signs. However, diagnosis of the disease must be confirmed by laboratory testing. ShrimpCheck Real-time PCR Kit from Speedy Assay is designed to detect IHHNV on suspected shrimp samples. The kit is 100% specific and sensitive to IHHNV and supplied with an external extraction control which delivers reliable results that brings confidence to our customers.

To learn more about ShrimpCheck Real-time PCR Kit  product range from Speedy Assay, please feel free to connect with us via call to +603-2259 1166 or email to sales@reszonics.com.


  1. Shrimp News International. United States: IHHNV Outbreaks at Two Shrimp Farms. Accessed 19th March 2020.
  2. Government of Canada. Fact sheet – Infectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis. Accessed 19th March 2020.
  3. 2019 © OIE - Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals - 14/11/2019 Infection With Infectious Hypodermal And Haemotopoietic Necrosis Virus. Accessed 20 April 2021.