Aquaculture Bioremediation


Aquaculture Bioremediation

A major challenge affecting shrimp and fish farmers globally is the disposal of accumulated organic matter. Improper treatment and disposal contributes many problems including poor water quality, high levels of stress, runaway disease problems, and excessive costs of production affecting profitability, and regional pollution that is inconsistent with sustainable production.
影响全球鱼虾养殖户的一个主要挑战是处理积累的有机物质。不正当的处理导致许多问题,包括水质差、压 力大、失控的传染性疾病,过高的生产成本影响盈利以及区域污染导致的可持续生产不一致等问题。

Contains proprietary blend of Bacillus strains Naturally occurring strains and safe to use Broad range of enzymatic and metabolic activities
含芽孢杆菌属的独制配方 含天然菌株,安全使用 广泛的酶促和代谢活动



Introducing AquaFENSE, a microboial tool which contains proprietary tableted blend of Bacillus strains, designed for the proactive management of water quality in both high and low intensity production ponds, hatchery tanks, home aquariums and RAS systems.
AquaFENSE是一种含芽孢杆菌属的独制配方,用于管理高低密度生产池,孵化池,家庭水族箱和 RAS系统中的水质。

Advantages of Tablet Form Over Traditional Powder Form 片剂的优点
Ease of Use 方便使用 No Activation Required 无需活化
No messy powders to handle. Add tablets directly to pond bottoms, provide long term shelf stability
无杂乱的粉末。可直接将剂片添加到池塘底部, 提供长期的稳定性。
Tablets dissolve and bacteria germinate.
Potent 有效 Direct Delivery 可直接消化
Each tablet contains approximately 64 billion CFU
To pond bottom where sludge needs to be digested.

Every pond is different. Application rates will vary depending on pond type, size, stocking density, water exchange rates, pond location, amount of biomass in the ponds, amount of protein in the feed, the presence of stress related disease problems, etc.
每个池塘都不同。 施用率将根据池塘类型、大小、放养密度、水交换率、池塘位置、池塘中的生物量、饲料中的蛋 白质含量、压力相关疾病问题等的存在而变化。

Guidelines for hatchery usage 孵化场的使用指南

• One to two tablets daily from stocking of nauplii to day before harvesting PLs for 5 to 10 MT of water.
・ 5至10公吨的水:从放养无节幼体到收成,每日一至两颗 片剂。

Benefits 使用效益
Improved Feed Conversions 改善饲料转化 Excellent Cost Benefit 卓越的成本效益
Healthier animal waste, less feed required. Use feed more efficiently for growth.
Cost benefits ia a recent trial were better than 10:1. A savings of more than 10 for every dollar spent.
对于典型养殖场,成本效益逾10:1。 相等于每一美元可节省 超过10美元。
Increased Growth Rate 提高增长率 Less Water Exchange 减少水供替换
Study reported that a 14% increase in weekly growth (23 ponds over 148 days). (P.< .005). 每周增长14%(测试于23虾池,逾148天)。(P <0.005)。 Reduced water exchange by more than 75%. AquaFENSE produces a more stable pond environment with much higher levels of beneficial algae and fewer blue green algae. Use of the tablets has cut costs and increased profits.
实验证实可减少超过75%水替换的机率。 AquaFENSE 营造了更稳定的池塘环境,更多的有益藻类和较少的蓝绿藻。
Cleaner Pond Bottoms 更洁净的池塘底部 Eliminated Use Of Antibiotics 取代抗生素
Shorter time between cycles and less use of oxidizing agents. Fouling organism were controlled, lower levels of waste accumulated on the tank. The AquaFENSE helped in reducing the stress factors in pond environment including ammonia, nitrite, and Vibrio loads. A stable plankton bloom was noticed in the three experimental ponds up to the harvest.
更短的循环周期,减少氧化剂的使用,防止污垢生物, 减少池底废物积聚率。AquaFENSE 有助于减少制造池塘环境中压力的因素,包括氨,亚硝酸盐和弧菌。 至收获期间,证实可产生稳定数量的浮游生物。
Reduced water exchange by more than 75%. AquaFENSE produces a more stable pond environment with much higher levels of beneficial algae and fewer blue green algae. Use of the tablets has cut costs and increased profits.
实验证实可减少超过75%水替换的机率。 AquaFENSE 营造了更稳定的池塘环境,更多的有益藻类和较少的蓝绿藻。